
Name Backing Thickness (mm) Peeling strength (n/m) Elongation (%) Dielectric Breakdown (PK) Fire Retardancy (Grade) Solvent resistance Total Thick (mm) Temperature Resistance

( colorful)

0.025 ≥350 ≥80 5.5 94V-0 Excellence 0.06 130
HY-10 Cellophane 0.025 ≥300 ≥80 5.5 -- Excellence 0.06 130
HY-11 Deep yellow 0.05 ≥350 ≥80 7 94V-0 Excellence 0.08 130
HY-12Blue 0.05 ≥350 ≥80 7 94V-0 Excellence 0.08 130
HY-13 Cellophane 0.05 ≥300 ≥80 7 -- Excellence 0.08 130
HY-09Pink 0.025 ≥350 ≥80 5.5 94V-0 Excellence 0.06 130
HY-05 Deep blue 0.025 ≥350 ≥80 5.5 94V-0 Excellence 0.06 130
HY-02 ZLight yellow 0.016 ≥350 ≥80 3.5 94V-0 Excellence 0.035 130
Usage It's used for the rectifier, capacitor etc. Various motors, the electronic module to be insulated and bind up

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